The P-Shot (Priapus Shot) involves taking platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood and injecting it into the penis. This is done by drawing your blood and spinning it to separate the platelets from the plasma. The P-Shot can be used as an alternative treatment for [erectile dysfunction (ED), lichen sclerosus, peyronie’s disease, penis enhancement, general sexual function, performance and orgasm enhancement].The P-Shot can be a beneficial treatment that can help:
increase blood flow
repair responses in some tissue or cells
new neural pathways being established
Some clients may not experience results for several months or may be noticed sooner if treated multiple times.
Early responders see effects within the first 24 hours.
Normal responders see effects in three to six treatments; after the second treatment they notice a change in responses. In one month or two months they reach the peak of their results.
Late responders see good results in three to four months.